Manor of the rural district Osterode from 1932 (excerpt)
Manor of the rural districts of East Prussia in 1932 (excerpts)
Manor of the rural district Ortelsburg from 1932 (excerpt)
Manor of the rural district Lyck from 1932 (excerpt)
Manor of the rural district Oletzko from 1932 (excerpt)
Manor of the rural district Pillkallen from 1932 (excerpt)
Manor of the rural district Preußisch Holland from 1932 (excerpt)
Manor of the rural district Rastenburg from 1932 (excerpt)
Manor of the rural district Rößel from 1932 (excerpt)
Manor of the rural district Preußisch Eylau from 1932 (excerpt)
Manor of the rural district Sensburg from 1932 (excerpt)
Manor of the rural district Tilsit-Ragnit from 1932 (excerpt)
Manor of the rural district Stallupönen from 1932 (excerpt)
Manor of the rural district Wehlau from 1932 (excerpt)
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